
For Our Rights Newsletter

DOE Drops Vaccine Mandate! ~ For Our Rights Newsletter

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Aloha Freedom Fighters,

Breaking News!

Hawaii Department of Education Superintendent Keith Hiyashi has just sent home a letter to parents with updates to their ongoing Covid policies. Student athletes will no longer be required to get vaccinated or undergo weekly testing in order to play sports.

It's about time! But the real question is why does the CDC have so much power and control over state government agencies? Or is that not the reason why they finally decided to stop discriminating?

Let us celebrate these wins but remain vigilant - there is still so much more to be concerned about.

The Other Standing Army

Our forefathers warned us about centralized control but it's taking shape everyday. Many states in America are moving towards centralized police forces, with Hawaii recently joining the ranks. The merging of federal task forces with local law enforcement is a huge shift in power to federal government--moving us closer to a national militarized police state in
our country.

A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. ~ James Madison

When governments take action under the excuse of for your safety, the true intent is always more control. Our federal government has already pledged allegiance to the United Nations, which also means a commitment to global governance. The increasing militarization of our federal agencies is a recipe for tyranny and with the current chaos that has been created in our country, the use of military force is looming.

The threat of disease, manufactured inflation, supply chain disruptions, food shortages, and the shift to green energy seems to be setting the stage for solutions that call for martial law.

And why in the world would the IRS need to stockpile 4500 new guns in recent years and hire 87,000 new employees?

Restoring Power to The People

The key to freedom is education and so we must keep uncovering the agenda and sharing what we know with as many others as we can.

In the end, the elite masterminds are outnumbered. Our strength is in our numbers and our unity. When we the people know who we are, hold firm in our sovereign rights and see through their illusions, the game is over. Their schemes only work when the people comply!

For Our Rights is committed to exposing the truth, educating our community, building unity and seeking justice through the legal system. We have helped thousands of people in Hawaii defend their civil liberties and will continue the fight to end discrimination of the unvaccinated and unmasked. Thank you for your continued support.

In The News

Justice Served

Corruption Exposed

Covid & Vax Exposures

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